Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Easter!

Welcome to this week's edition of The Doxie Blog! DRBC's Lukas has a special Easter message for all of you from all of us here at DRBC. Please listen and enjoy!

We have a big event coming up Tuesday night. As you may be aware, the DRBC Dealing a Better Hand playing card contest is winding down, and voting closes Tuesday March 29th at 11PM. 

What election would be complete without live radio coverage? Mark your calendars and sign up to get in on the fun. Free! Visit our event page by clicking here to learn more! And, if you haven't yet voted, get those votes in by following this link! 

We would like to take a moment and welcome 3 new pups to the DRBC Family. First up, we have Maxx. He is visually impaired and a doxie mix. He stood no chance at all at the shelter, but we believe there is someone out there to love this energetic and adorable pup. Someone will love you Maxx, don't worry!

This is Murray. Today he is enjoying a sunbeam and some badly needed love after being dumped at a shelter last week. Well he is safe now and it won't be long before this cutie pie is out looking for his new forever home.

Next up is Hogan. He thought he had a forever home, but he did not. This wonderfully loving little boy came to us and is so sad at the loss of his family. Please help mend his broken heart with some love today!

Want to welcome these 3 to the family in a special way? Follow the link and help them get a new collar, harness and tag. Nothing like a new set of things to begin a new life. Hope you can help Gang!

DRBC is always looking for great foster homes and now with the warmer weather and the increase in the number of turn-ins, our need for homes has become imperative. Caesar and Deuce are two cuties who will need to shift in our system. The are ready for adoption, but need a loving home to wait for that opportunity. Is that you? They are sure hoping so. 

Applying is easy and all we ask is that you add the love and water. DRBC provides veterinary care, food and more. Please love, share and think about giving this pair a chance.


Today we have a special Foundation Update. Not long after the founding of DRBC it became clear that many good homes needed a level of support that did not include rescue and rehoming. The DRBC Foundation Group was established within the rescue in 1995 to help support families seeking compliance to a sound veterinary plan who would not otherwise be able to keep their beloved dachshund.


We have exciting news today on Precious, our most recent foundation case. She is up, walking and has been returned to her Mom. Precious came to DRBC with IVDD and was completely down. We worked hard to rehab her and are happy to report that she is back in Mom's loving arms!

We were also happy to get a check in from DRBC alum Zeke. He wanted us to know that he is happy and very loved in his home. Yeah Zeke!

We are happy to report that Brielle has a Gold Paw Update, and has found her forever home, and will be loved always! Congratulations Brielle!

This week, we honor the life of two special doxies who have crossed the Rainbow Bridge. The tears are falling here at DRBC as we share the news of little Gretel's passing. This precious little girl was an unstable diabetic, but enjoyed many great days laying in the sunbeams and cuddling with her foster Mom. This past week her ribs became visible and she began to turn her food away. We received the bad news: renal failure. It was and remains heartbreaking. We could not let her suffer and tearfully, painfully held her as she passed over to the rainbow bridge. We are all devastated. We will love you always Gretel. Watch over us please. Look for the DRBC Tribe at the bridge, they will guide you and tell them we send our love.

Daisy came to DRBC with what looked like a classic case of IVDD, but it did not take long for us to realize that her problems went much deeper. As time went on, her paralysis worsened. We tried everything we could, but none of us could stop the growth of the brain tumor that rendered her limp. We made the difficult decision to send her to the bridge to join the DRBC pack. We are all deeply saddened today and want to take this opportunity to thank all of you who contributed, and helped us get the right diagnosis and make this most difficult decision.

It is always difficult to report the passing of our beloved doxies, and we would like to take a moment to say a heartfelt thank you to all of you. Without your prayers, words of encouragement, and support, we would not be able to remain committed to giving these dogs the best life possible. Thank you for being part of the DRBC family. 

Last but not least, we would like to leave you with our Cutie of the Week! Check out this adorable little Pirates baseball fan! 


With that, we wrap up this week's edition of The Doxie Blog. Don't forget to vote in the Playing Card contest if you haven't yet. We hope you have a great week. Until next time!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Welcome Spring!

Happy Spring! We hope you and your pups are enjoying the longer, warmer days as much as we have been here in Doxie Land! We would like to remind you that you have just a little over a week left to vote in the Dealing a Better Hand Playing Card Contest! Remember, your vote dollars will go to the DRBC medical fund. Help us help the puppers!

This week, we have 2 new additions to the DRBC Family in our Mint Paw Updates. First up, we have Harold! Harold is such a cutie...he's quite the little ham and it won't be long before he is looking for his forever family! Welcome Harold!

Mau Mau is going to need some rehabilitation. This poor little guy is massively obese and is suffering from IVDD. He is only 4 yrs old. We will have a big job thinning him from his almost 40 lbs to the 16-17 he should weigh. Filled with love, he will be one handsome guy when we get his weight down and his spine sound. Please send him you love today as we are sure he is wondering where his kibble has gone! Welcome Mau Mau!

Want to welcome Mau Mau and Harold to the family in a special way? Follow the link and help them get a new collar, harness and tag. Nothing like a new set of things to begin a new life. Hope you can help Gang!


We have an exciting Purple Paw Update this week. We couldn't be more thrilled to announce that Molly, the abused doxie with the shattered hip is up and walking! This little girl is still fearful, but improves each day. It will take a few more months before we know if damage will be permanent, but we are hopeful! Hooray Molly!

Rainbow Paw Alert - We are all deeply saddened this week at DRBC. One of our beloved GrandPaw puppers, Floppy, has left us. Floppy joined DRBC several years ago when he did not get along with the new child that had come to his family. He delighted our hearts and took us on camping, hiking and even kayaking adventures but in the past few months his little body began to fail. Renal failure was diagnosed and nothing could be done.

Please join us tonight as we not only pay tribute to this very special doxie, but to his GrandPaws Parents who helped Floppy live a life many humans would envy. The love of a senior rescue is a very special gift. We know Flop would bark at us for crying, but we cannot help the tears. Please join us in celebrating Floppy's life with a love, tear, share and message. Godspeed, Floppy.

We have a another special pup who we are honoring this week. Meet Rudy. Sadly, Rudy left this world this past Thursday. His family is so sad. We wanted to do something special for Rudy and we know that prayers and good thoughts reach all the way over the Rainbow Bridge, so Rudy, we are giving you the DRBC 'Cutie of the Week' award. You sure earned it. Please Gang, let Rudy and his family hear you today with some thoughts of love. Godspeed Rudy.

In happier news, we have a Blue Paw Update on Charlie! This gorgeous little wire hair is a DRBC alum. He is checking in to let everyone know that he is doing fantastically! Is he adorable or what? Yeah Charlie!

We also have a check in from Duncan and Dodge. It is a big week for these two DRBC Alumni! They are turning 6 yrs old and have checked in to say hi and let us know how happy they are. Well congrats Duncan and Dodge! Many, many more b-days are ahead of you and we know they will be filled with love and fun. Happy Birthday Duncan and Dodge!

With that, we wrap up this week's edition of The Doxie Blog. We look forward to seeing you next week!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Did You Vote Yet?

Hi everyone, it's been such a warm week here in Doxie Land, and our puppers have been loving it! We hope you have had a chance to get outside and soak up some of the sun.

Our first update this week is the Playing Card Contest. We've had a lot of movement on the leader board lately, and look who has rocketed up to #1. It's Oscar and Teddy!!

Oscar and Teddy 

Oscar and Teddy are good buddies and often have sleepovers and play dates. They need your help to hold their position! Did you have a chance to vote yet? Your vote dollars will go to our medical fund, and help needy doxies. Check out the contestants and get in on the action by following this link:

We start out the Pupdates with little Leo, who has a Red Paw update. When Leo’s foster Mom called us she was worried his heart might be failing. You remember Leo and Peter…these were the two doxies that survived the two bad snowstorms with little more than some straw on the ground. Their owner had died and the person running the estate did not want anything to impede the sale of the house. The dogs took the worst of it. As Leo became more and more comfortable in his foster home, he broke with pneumonia.

We rushed to the vet and Leo was immediately hospitalized. Today he is on oxygen, has had a myriad of blood tests and chest radiographs and is on high dose antibiotics. Doing rescue you would think would see this coming, but the reality is that we never can. Still, Leo needs this care to save his life and just so you know, Peter is frantic without his Dad. We told him his Dad should be home soon.

We are reaching out today to ask for your support in our effort to save Leo. The intense neglect will take a tremendous about of medical skill and time to reverse. Leo requires daily radiographs and a bed in the ICU. It does not sound like much, but we have been given an estimate of $1,500 and know that if Leo will be in the hospital for a few days.

Remember, generous support is desperately needed and greatly appreciated. Like many non-profit organizations DRBC is a 501[c][3] operated solely by volunteers. We have been dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, re-homing and educating families about this breed for over 32 years. We welcome and need your benevolent tax-deductible donation. Please, help us to help them.

We welcome you to stay tuned for updates. Until then, Leo, all the rescue doxies and the DRBC Team thank you.


Next up, with a Purple Paw Update, is Precious. This little girl is recovering from a bout of IVDD. As many of you know, we rarely do the surgery here at DRBC and Precious in yet another example of what traditional medication, acupuncture and physical therapy can accomplish. This little girl is up and walking. She has a few weeks to go before her recovery with us is complete, but how about a few likes and shares to encourage her along the way? Thanks Gang and yeah Precious!

Our next Purple Paw update is Chico! He is getting back to himself and has begun to get back on the therapy track to conquer his IVDD. He wants to thank everyone that supported him with his recent setback and wants to send a special thank you to Lynn Peterson of FABB. 

She made him this fabulous prayer blanket and even included a toy! How about some continued positive vibes and prayers for Chico as he returns to his IVDD therapy AND some wow's for Lynn and her amazing creation. Remember, there is still time to donate and join Team Chico by following the link below!

We have a few Mint Paw updates this week. First up are Zoee and Ellie. These two precious wire haired sisters have joined DRBC. It was a sad relinquishment and our thoughts and prayers are with the family that had to give them up. They have clearly been loved and well cared for by their previous Dad, but family circumstances prevented him from keeping them. They are safe now and we ask that you send prayers and positive vibes to their Dad as he copes with this loss. Welcome Zoee & Ellie!

Next up we have Biscuit! This poor pup was dumped at one of the worst shelters out there, but is now inbound to DRBC. Little Biscuit will soon be among the saved here with us. We are happy to help. Please welcome him to the DRBC family. What a cutie!

This week, we came across a cute post that we wanted to share, which is "17 Things All Dachshund Owners Must Never Forget" and we couldn't agree with it more. Check it out!

We heard from two DRBC alums this week in our Blue Paw Updates. Look who is checking in to say's Sophie! This little love is the apple of her family's eye! Check out the note her family wrote to us! Hi Sophie!!

Here is what her family had to say about her:

I thought it might be time for a Blue Paw update on Sophie (formerly Sophia) who we rescued in October. She's doing so well and could not be more loved. We fight over who she lays with every night. We have her in a daily playgroup in Philadelphia to get her used to being around other dogs (we suspect she came from a one dog household) and she has been making so many new friends. Our dream is to have 3 rescue doxies, one of each (long haired, smooth and wired) so we are prepping her for siblings when we move to a bigger place. We also have an Instagram account for her if anyone is interested in following her adventures @Sophie_rescue_doxie Thank you DRBC for our sweet girl!

Next up is Lukas! This little guy is on tub patrol and makes sure everything is a-ok for all bathers. We are so happy he checked in with us to share his update! How about some loves for this little guy today? Yeah Lukas!

Last but not least, we have a very special "Cutie of the Week." This was Frankie. This beautiful long hair little boy has crossed the bridge and his family misses him terribly. Frankie, somewhere we know you are watching bud, and we have exciting news for you. You are the DRBC 'Cutie of the Week!'


With that, we wrap up this week's edition of The Doxie Blog. Thanks for joining us, and see you next week!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Time to Vote in the Playing Card Contest!

Are you ready for your weekly doxie news? We have lots of updates for you here in doxie land! First off, we would like to remind everyone that voting is in full swing for the Dealing A Better Hand Playing Card Contest! Simply follow the link to view all the great contestant entrants, select your favorite picture, and vote! Your vote donations will help us continue to support the breed we hold so dear: the Dachshund. You will be able to count yourself among an amazingly caring network of people across the country and around the world who have supported our work to save over 6,500 Dachshunds since 1984, not turning any away due to age, injury or illness.

Right now, Katie "Didds" is leading the pack with 40 votes! Here's what Katie's family has to say about her! "We adopted Katie from a rescue in Massachusetts in 2012. We quickly realized she was a true doxie with a big personality and her own ideas about how things should go. Our conversations often begin with "Katie did" this or that and that is how she became Katydid, or The Didds.
Her best friend is any ball. She loves when it snows, because she can nose and spin the ball more easily across the ground. We also have a glow-in-the-dark ball for nighttime tosses. She is sassy, stubborn, and a snuggler...but on her own time!"

Would you like to vote for Katie? Visit to learn more!

Moving on to our weekly "pupdates", the Orange Paw is up for Chico. We are happy to report that Chico is home from the hospital! He is resting comfortably and will make a full recovery from his recent bloat. Chico has asked us to tell everyone that sent prayers, positive vibes and donations that he is very grateful.

There is still an open balance on Chico's care and there is still time to be a part of Team Chico! Just follow the link and count yourself in on the team that helped save Chico's life.

We're also happy to report a Purple Paw for Pete. He was recently admitted to the hospital for severe dehydration and abdominal pain. He is improving with meds and we think the worst of it is over.

Thank you so much for the outpouring of love and support. Pete and his dad, Leo are looking for a long term foster or a forever home. Please email us at if you would like to learn more!

We also have a Purple Paw up for Kayla this week! Kayla recently underwent surgery for severe mammary tumors, which thankfully turned out to be benign. She is now at home regaining her strength.

Kayla has asked us to send a big message of love and thanks to everyone that supported her through her recent surgery. She is recovering beautifully and is back doing what she does best...cuddling. Many, many thanks Gang!


We have moved and placed many dogs in the last few weeks, and wanted to give a quick update on some of the recent additions to the DRBC Family.

Peanut has officially joined the DRBC foster crew. This little boy has overcome a lot and escaped near death in a house fire, but he is safe and sound now. Please help us welcome him to DRBC!

Cesar and Deuce have been with DRBC for a short while now, and are excited to let you know they will be put on the list of adoptables soon. Thinking of welcoming a new family member? Check out our Adoption Requirements!

Bob is one lucky pup. He is safe and awaiting medical. Welcome Bob!

Not pictured, Anna, Percy and Wendy are also a part of the big doxie effort made this past weekend. This trio had been under DRBC's foundation care and now joins us on a relinquished basis as their human Mom faces cancer.

We have very exciting news on Holly, the little paraplegic flown into DRBC before the holidays. First, thanks to some great care by her foster Mom, she is almost walking. Next, she has found her forever home! Her new Mom will get her the rest of the way back with love and continued therapy. How about big round of woo-hoo's for this little girl as she starts her new life!! Congrats Holly!!

That's it for this week's doxie updates! We would like to leave you with a very special birthday boy.

Floyd just turned one year old, so we are making him our Cutie of the Week!!!  

We close out this week's edition of the Doxie Blog with a special plea. We've been helping a lot of dogs lately, and with this increase, we are nearly at capacity in our foster system. We never want to be in a position to turn away a dog in need. We would like to ask if you are out of the area, would you please consider sharing our message? You never know who in your network might step up to help! Our foster application can be found at

Thanks Gang! We really appreciate it! Stay tuned to our Facebook page for up to the minute breaking news. Until next week!

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Chico's Belly (Chico the IVDD Dachshund)

The Red Paw is up for little Chico. We spent the night at NorthStar VETS the other night, and today he remains hospitalized. His abdomen was distended and we feared the worst – a blocked bladder.  He surprised us with an abdominal blockage. Needless to say, this little guy was admitted for care and observation. We are so glad NorthStar is there for us and for Chico. This little fighter is battling back from a bout of IVDD and this setback is not an easy one for anyone on Team Chico.

Blood work, radiographs, IV’s, medications and hospital care add up quickly, but we know that saving him is important – not only to us, but to all of you too. Today we are hoping you can help us to get Chico through this crisis. We have received an estimate of $1200 but know this little guy is in the best place he can be. Please help us to help him.
Remember, generous support is desperately needed and greatly appreciated.  Like many non-profit organizations DRBC is a 501[c][3] operated solely by volunteers.  We have been dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, re-homing and educating families about this breed for over 32 years.  We welcome and need your benevolent tax-deductible donation.  Please, help us to help them.

We are hopeful for a release and continued improvement for this little guy, but we need your help. Winter is especially hard on rescues, DRBC included. Please support Chico's fundraiser so we can continue to do this most important work.