Sunday, March 20, 2016

Welcome Spring!

Happy Spring! We hope you and your pups are enjoying the longer, warmer days as much as we have been here in Doxie Land! We would like to remind you that you have just a little over a week left to vote in the Dealing a Better Hand Playing Card Contest! Remember, your vote dollars will go to the DRBC medical fund. Help us help the puppers!

This week, we have 2 new additions to the DRBC Family in our Mint Paw Updates. First up, we have Harold! Harold is such a cutie...he's quite the little ham and it won't be long before he is looking for his forever family! Welcome Harold!

Mau Mau is going to need some rehabilitation. This poor little guy is massively obese and is suffering from IVDD. He is only 4 yrs old. We will have a big job thinning him from his almost 40 lbs to the 16-17 he should weigh. Filled with love, he will be one handsome guy when we get his weight down and his spine sound. Please send him you love today as we are sure he is wondering where his kibble has gone! Welcome Mau Mau!

Want to welcome Mau Mau and Harold to the family in a special way? Follow the link and help them get a new collar, harness and tag. Nothing like a new set of things to begin a new life. Hope you can help Gang!


We have an exciting Purple Paw Update this week. We couldn't be more thrilled to announce that Molly, the abused doxie with the shattered hip is up and walking! This little girl is still fearful, but improves each day. It will take a few more months before we know if damage will be permanent, but we are hopeful! Hooray Molly!

Rainbow Paw Alert - We are all deeply saddened this week at DRBC. One of our beloved GrandPaw puppers, Floppy, has left us. Floppy joined DRBC several years ago when he did not get along with the new child that had come to his family. He delighted our hearts and took us on camping, hiking and even kayaking adventures but in the past few months his little body began to fail. Renal failure was diagnosed and nothing could be done.

Please join us tonight as we not only pay tribute to this very special doxie, but to his GrandPaws Parents who helped Floppy live a life many humans would envy. The love of a senior rescue is a very special gift. We know Flop would bark at us for crying, but we cannot help the tears. Please join us in celebrating Floppy's life with a love, tear, share and message. Godspeed, Floppy.

We have a another special pup who we are honoring this week. Meet Rudy. Sadly, Rudy left this world this past Thursday. His family is so sad. We wanted to do something special for Rudy and we know that prayers and good thoughts reach all the way over the Rainbow Bridge, so Rudy, we are giving you the DRBC 'Cutie of the Week' award. You sure earned it. Please Gang, let Rudy and his family hear you today with some thoughts of love. Godspeed Rudy.

In happier news, we have a Blue Paw Update on Charlie! This gorgeous little wire hair is a DRBC alum. He is checking in to let everyone know that he is doing fantastically! Is he adorable or what? Yeah Charlie!

We also have a check in from Duncan and Dodge. It is a big week for these two DRBC Alumni! They are turning 6 yrs old and have checked in to say hi and let us know how happy they are. Well congrats Duncan and Dodge! Many, many more b-days are ahead of you and we know they will be filled with love and fun. Happy Birthday Duncan and Dodge!

With that, we wrap up this week's edition of The Doxie Blog. We look forward to seeing you next week!

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