Sunday, May 1, 2016

We Need Your Help!

Hi everyone, and welcome to this week's Doxie Blog! Well, we think that the warm weather is finally here to stay. With warmer weather comes some logistical challenges here at DRBC. First, adoptions are up, and that means we need to move our pups around for meet and greets! Also, vacation season will be starting soon, so we will need to have temporary placement for our dogs while their foster families are away for a short time. With that in mind, we have 2 positions we're looking to fill here at DRBC.

Our first position is Transport Coordinator. The Transport Coordinator will be responsible for mobilizing our Transport Volunteers to get dogs to meet & greets, medical appointments and more.

This Team Leader will ideally:
  • Have great communications skills
  • Enjoy troubleshooting and planning
  • Be a people person

If you have a few hours each week, and would like to donate your time to a great cause, we need you! Please submit an application at

Our next position is Temporary Foster Home. If you are able to foster on a short term basis, for 1-2 week periods of time, we could greatly use your help! We provide the food, you provide the love and shelter. This is a great option for anyone who would like to explore the world of fostering, or for someone who can't commit to extended stays. Every little bit helps! Please fill out your application at today! Just make sure to indicate that you are looking to be a Temporary/Vacation Foster home. Thanks Gang! 

We have another request this week that we're hoping you can help out with. As many of you know, DRBC rehabs quite a few IVDD puppers. Well today we are hoping some of you can help out with a donation of Huggies Diapers, Size 2 or 3. We think Huggies work best, but really can use any brand.

Please mail or drop to DRBC Central: 

Dachshund Rescue of Bucks Cty & NJ
181 Gilbert Drive
 Morrisville, PA 19067

And now, on to our Pupdates! Great news on the Precious front - she is doing well! This little girl and her Mom were attacked while out for a walk. Mom lost part of a finger and Precious was pretty beaten up, but both are on the mend today. Please send some healing thoughts as their recovery continues. Hang in there Precious!

We also have an update on Piper! This little girl came to DRBC last week in a very bad way. She still has a long way to go, but medications, crate rest and love are making all the difference in her world. How about some get well wishes for this little girl as she continues her healing. You can do it Piper!

We have the most exciting news for little Hogan today! He has found his forever home and earned his Gold Paw!! He and his new family, which includes two greyhounds, get along like carrots and peas! We are so excited for all of them. Yeah Hogan!

Big news for this big guy! Maui has found his forever home! He is still working on his weight loss and is ecstatic to join his new family! Yeah Maui!!

Big news for Mr Cody! This guy weighed over 30 pounds when he came to DRBC. Diet, exercise and love made him one handsome dude! This happy little guy found his forever home! Woo-hoo! 

We have 2 new puppers to welcome to the DRBC Family. First up is Fred. Harassed by the neighbor kids, Fred turned and nipped. The sticks and stones got to him. This poor little 11 month old pup does not know what hit his world. Fortunately, DRBC was there to help. Fred is here and is getting all the love he needs. We love ya Fred!

Lucky is one of the little souls we gave the green light to pulling into our care. Thrown over a fence, the neighbor then wanted to hit him with a tire iron. He escaped and we stepped up to get him out of a terrible situation. He is safe today and getting lots of love and care now. Please give a big round of loves to help welcome Lucky to the family. We love ya Lucky!

Want to welcome Fred and Lucky to the family in a special way? Follow the link and help him get a new collar, harness and tag. Nothing like a new set of things to begin a new life. Hope you can help Gang!


Look who is checking's Brandy!! This little girl came to DRBC completely paralyzed so this picture is really a big deal. We are thrilled to get this news! Please know that with the proper care, time and work doxies do recover from IVDD! Wow Brandy!!!

Well, on that note, we are heading out for more meet and greets today. Please wish all our puppers luck as they continue the journey to find their furever homes! See you next week. Thanks Gang!

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