Sunday, December 20, 2015

Happy Pawlidays!

Welcome to this weeks edition of The Doxie Blog! This week we've been busy with December dumps, drop offs and surrenders unfortunately. It breaks our hearts that this is one of the busiest times of the year for turn ins. This week, we've had 2 inbounds, Tracie and Cody. 
Tracie comes to DRBC
Cody comes to DRBC

Tracie was dumped and found as a stray. It's pretty clear she was used as a breeding dog and she has mammary tumors. Cody was pulled from a shelter. He is obese and having spinal issues. We're also working on an elderly neglected inbound named Bingo. We still need fosters for Tracie and Bingo, so please help get the word out! Fostering saves lives!

In happier news, the DRBC 2016 Cutie Pie calendars have shipped, and they look GREAT! Here's a sneak peek!
DRBC 2016 Calendar
DRBC 2016 Calendar

We still have calendars available! You can order yours today at The Doxie Boutique! Get your order in now and start the New Year off right!
This week, we got a pupdate from Jesse & Joey! We love to hear from our adopted puppers and when it comes to these two, we are especially thrilled. These two hold the record of having waited longest for a home - 2 years. We could easily have placed them but we refused to split the two. Today they are happy and loving life. Thanks for checking in!
DRBC alums Jessie and Joey check in
DRBC's Bran has found a forever home.Bran goes to his forever home!

​We also have a pupdate on Chico, the foundation IVDD doxie who we asked support for last week. We're thrilled to announce that his campaign is fully funded! We will be ordering him a cart soon and he will continue to receive medical treatment for his IVDD.

We have 2 puppers who met their forever families this week. Both Bran and Will have gone home. We're so thrilled for them! Bran has been with us since August, and Will was one of the puppies from the litter of 4 we took in a few weeks ago. Congratulations Bran and Will!


​Our last pupdate for the week is on a sad note. We have a rainbow paw for one of our recent placements, Lucy. Little Lucy was attacked by a larger dog and killed. Her family is heartbroken as are we all here at DRBC. Heaven gained a beautiful angel. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her family as they grieve. 

DRBC's Emmy Lou wishes you a happy holiday season!Emmy Lou wishes you a happy holiday season!

​We have a happy holiday wish from one of our GrandPaws [Sanctuary] puppers! Many of you may remember Emmy Lou. Blind and abandoned, Emmy Lou came to DRBC frightened and thin. Today she is thriving and is in the holiday spirit.

Each year at DRBC we rescue and treat hundreds of dachshunds.  Some have a broken heart, some have suffered abuse or neglect and some come to us with long term medical needs that may prevent their placement. 

The DRBC veterinary support hospitals are always there to help.  All dogs are seen by the best that general care veterinary support can provide, receiving exams, spays, neuters, dental surgeries, vaccinations, blood work and much, much more.  A percentage of the dogs we rescue will go on to see veterinary specialists.  Every option is examined and an individual recovery and rehabilitation plan is made.  That's a lot of medicine and a lot of love.

Please join our effort.  You can help make a difference to one of these special doxies. Their medical care is supported by donations like yours.  Won't you give so others can live?…

Our doxie tidbit for the week is a note on invisible fences. DRBC feels strongly that you should always accompany your pupper outside. This week we saw in the news a story of a dog that was grabbed by a predator and carried away. The dog fought off the attacker, however could not get back home in its injured state because the shock of the invisible boundary was keeping it from coming into the yard. Luckily the family found the pup just in time, but please always remember, an invisible fence does not keep predators out, however it may keep your dog from coming home if they escape!

Last but not least, we have our Cutie of the Week and Smile of the Week!
Cutie of the Week
Meet our Cutie of the Week, Abby! We have a soft spot in our hearts for the older doxies and Abby just touched that spot! What a doll!
Smile of the Week

That wraps up this week's edition of The Doxie Blog! Remember to follow our Facebook pagefor up to the minute posts, our Pinterest page to pin all things doxie, and our Instagram page for pictures of our fosters and alums!

We would like to take a moment to wish you and yours a wonderful holiday season filled with warmth, giving and joy. And of course let's not forget, lots of Doxie Kisses! See you next week!

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