Sunday, January 3, 2016

Happy New Year!

Welcome to this week's edition of The Doxie Blog! The New Year is starting off busy as ever so let's jump right into it. We've been involved in a terrible case of abuse this week. Words fail us in cases like this. The work we undertake in rescue is never easy. And there is no easy way to say this, but Molly's pelvis is shattered. 

The pictures we have attached are very graphic for a good reason; this is abuse. The bruising you see on her abdomen came from something moving up and under her belly and was done with such a great force; it shattered the top of Molly’s femur and destroyed the hip socket. Something like a very hard kick did this. The damage that was inflicted in seconds will take a great deal of time, effort and funding to correct.

We have also learned that Molly sat in pain for 5 days at the hands of her former owners in spite of DRBC’s offers of veterinary support. Molly is scheduled for corrective surgery. Acupuncture, laser therapy and water therapy will follow once the repaired hip has healed enough. Her recovery will take months. Often, you ask us what will happen to the person[s] that inflict the level of hurt Molly has had to endure and in this case we will be reaching out to get animal control and police involved. Molly deserves justice. Molly needs your support. Please help this story of unnecessary abuse go viral. Here is what you can do to make a measurable difference in this little one’s life.

1. Like, share and send Molly a message of love; she needs all of it. Many of you belong to doxie groups and have doxie friends. Please get the word out.

2. Donate. Mollie’s surgery and recovery is estimated at $7500 and she needs it so badly.
     a. You Caring:
     b. PayPal:…
     c. NorthStar VETS: 609-259-8300
     d. Mail A Check DRBC, 181 Gilbert Drive, Morrisville, PA 19067

3. Get ready to voice your objections. We have not asked you to support a cause like this in 2 years, but we will not let this go. Your calls may be needed to help get this case the attention it deserves. Thank you Gang. We could not do what we do without your support. Together we will all help her.


In happier news, we have a Purple Paw update on Chico! Chico is our foundation IVDD doxie who thanks to your support recently received a cart. Well, it is paying off because this week Chico stood! It was just for a minute, but it was progress! Chico reminds us that IVDD recovery is possible, and gives hope to those working through recovery.

We also have a Blue Paw update on Ivy! Ivy was born only hours after her emaciated Mom was pulled from a crack house last Christmas Eve. Look at her now, all grown up and beautiful! 
This week, we welcome Nathan, Zoe, Reilly and Devi to the DRBC family. Reilly is just a year old and still getting into some puppy mischief, but that's ok, here at DRBC we have lots of toys to keep an active puppy busy! ​We pulled Devi from one of the worst shelters in the country. Devi is having some respiratory complications and we hope to have an update on him shortly. Nathan and Zoe were also shelter pulls.

​We are still in need of foster homes, so please, if you can find it in your heart to help, please fill out a foster application at
In loving memory of Ellie

​Sadly, this week Ellie has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Ellie was 18 yrs old and contracted yet another bout of pneumonia. She told us her little body was tired and she peacefully drifted away held in our loving arms. Godspeed Ellie; know you went with so much love.
Smile of the Week

Well, that wraps up this week's edition of The Doxie Blog. Don't forget to start your 2016 off right with the 2016 Cutie Pie Calendar available in The Doxie Boutique. We also encourage you to get up to the minute news and fun updates on our Facebook Page
Cutie of the Week

​We'll leave you with this cutie to get your week started off right. Thanks Gang, and see you next week!

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